
Age 28, Male

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Posted by Jolly - April 8th, 2013



what's your favorite type of cheese

this local mexican restaurant has this white nacho cheese stuff

I don't know what it's called

but it's really good

okay fine

okay fine

okay fine

okay fine

okay fine

okay fine

okay fine

Best movie of 2012? 2011? 2010? 1989?

Have you watched Hard Boiled? What do you think of John Woo? Tarantino? Yuen Biao? Martial arts? Real stunts versus green screens and wires? And what's the story behind your username?

2012: Life of Pi
2011: The Intouchables
2010: Black Swan
1989: Back to the Future II. I haven't seen very many movies from 1989. I actually only really got into movies about a year or two ago and I've been working my way through these list: http://www.icheckmovies.com/lists /?tags=user:icheckmovies

Hard Boiled/John Woo/Yuen Biao/Martial Arts: I don't watch very many action movies at all, especially martial arts, so I can't really say much about these. I have been watching more action movies lately though, so I'll probably watch Hard Boiled, and maybe more John Woo movies, soon.

Real stunts vs green screen and wires: If it's done well, and you can't tell that it isn't real, then imo it's fine. It's usually a lot more enjoyable to watch if you can tell that it's real though.

Tarantino: The only director I can think of that hasn't released a single bad movie. He's genius when it comes to making movies.

Username: A bit of a boring story.. My brother used the name "Mufasa" when he played Halo with his friends. When Halo 2 came out and he wanted to play it on Xbox live "Mufasa" was taken and it suggested "Jollymufasa69". I've never cared enough to come up with anything else.

Just recently watched Life of PI, twas one of the best examples of storytelling come to life I've seen/heard so far, with some beautiful imagery to go with it. When he's just sitting in the still sea it's like another world. Hard to know how much of the imagery is real and how much isn't, it's all like a voyage in dreams. Any plans on (or maybe you have already) reading the original book?

I thought The Intouchables was a typo, but whaddayaknow, there exists a movie I haven't even heard of! I didn't like Black Swan much, but Back to the Future was great. If you do watch Hard Boiled it'd be interesting to hear your opinion of it, as far as action goes it's a definite favorite. John Woo has a particularly bloody style of filmography though, maybe it's not for everyone.

Your right, that wasn't a very interesting username tale, but at least it resulted in a great name. I guess most names don't have much symbolism behind them but it's always interesting to find some that do...

A few more question:

What's the oldest movie you've watched? Any favorite before 1950? Before 1970? Favorite actor? Opinions on shaky cam? Animated movies?

Yeah, I might read it. I haven't really read anything in about 3 years but I've been meaning to get into it more. Planning on reading the song of fire and ice series.

The intouchables is great. You should definitely watch it. It's actually the top rated movie on IMDb from 2011. Why didn't you like Black Swan? I went into it expecting it to be shit but I loved it.

Oldest movie/Favorite before 1950: I'm working on seeing the top 50 movies from each decade on IMDb, so I'm mostly watching movies from 1990-now so I haven't seen too many old movies, especially pre-1950. So the oldest movie I've seen is a movie pretty much everybody has seen.. The Wizard of Oz. I might watch Citizen Kane soon, so it might take my place as favorite movie pre-1950, but for now it's the wizard of oz.

Favorite before 1970: Again, haven't seen too many old movies (I'm a bit of a beginner movie buff. I've only seen 360~ movies) I've actually only seen about 5 movies that came out before 1970. My favorite of which is Rear Window. I love movies that take place entirely in one room.

Favorite actor: I really like Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I've seen pretty much every good movie that he's been in. Second favorite is probably Gary Oldman. The fact that Sirius Snape, Commissioner Gordon, and Zorg are all played by the same guy is pretty crazy. Unlike most actors he actually feels like a different person in each role he plays.

Shaky cam: If it's in one of those "found footage" movies along the lines of Chronicle and Trollhunter then I don't mind it. (Although I'm tired of those types of movies) If it's in any other type of movie then it takes me out of the movie. Fortunately I haven't seen it too much.

Animated movies: I love them. I've seen almost every Pixar movie (except Cars) and nearly every animated Batman movie. (The animated Batman movies are great) I like Hayao Miyazaki too, but I've only seen Spirited Away so far.

Ah, A Game of Thrones... is the series by any chance based on that book? Seems interesting.

Was it as good as the Untouchables? :P Will give it a watch. As for Black Swan, I just found it depressing. I don't know what exactly made me not like it, maybe just the overall atmosphere of the movie. There were no bright moments. It was like a dark tunnel without light. I'm not against sad movies per say but I just didn't appreciate this one at all. Movies like The Green Mile that could be considered just as depressing ring another bell, maybe because there's at least a glint of hope at the end, a change for the positive... IDK.

That's a well-made classic. Not sure if it's on the top 250, but Metropolis (1922) is probably the oldest one I've seen. It's been remastered so if you watch that version the quality isn't that bad either. Also contains one of the admittedly most seductive dance scenes in movie history. ;) Have you watched any Charlie Chaplin or Buster Keeton movies though? The General is probably my oldest favorite, it's surprisingly fast-paced considering how old it is. I found a lot of movies from this time, Citizen Kane included, to be a bit dull just because they progressed so slowly.

Ah, if you like one-room movies then 12 Angry Men should be entertaining. It's high up on the IMDB top 250 too. I don't think I've seen Rear Window yet..

Good knowing! Looking at the list of Pixar's movies, which was shorter than I'd expected it to be, it looks like I have watched all of them. All great movies. Swapping topic, have you followed the Ice Age series? The latter ones may just be commercial sequality but the first one was something else. That's another favorite. How about anime movies in general, have you watched any others?

Yeah, it is. Wish I would've read the books before I got into the show.

I haven't seen the untouchables. It's on my to do list, actually. I only just saw Gran Torino for the first time so I've been meaning to watch more movies that Clint Eastwood has directed. Yeah, Black Swan did have a bit of a dark atmosphere to it, but that's part of the reason I think it's great. I thought it was a really well done movie.

Metropolis looks cool. I've seen some of the posters for it and they looked really cool, especially for the time. I might watch it soon. I haven't watched any Chaplin or Keeton yet, but I've been meaning to watch City Lights. (I have a lot of movies on my to watch list, makes it really hard to choose what movies to watch some times)

I actually have 12 Angry Men but I haven't got around to watching it yet. I actually haven't felt like watching movies, mainly because I've been watching TV shows.

Even Cars, and Cars 2? I've watched the first Ice Age movie, maybe even the third. The most recent one is apparently one of the top grossing movies ever, and I hadn't even heard of it until a few months ago. Only anime movie I've seen so far is Spirited Away. I want to watch the cowboy bebop movie, but I feel like I should watch the show first, which I don't really feel like doing.

Nice. As for Clint Eastwood, his Man With No Name trilogy is worth a watch too, not just The Good, The Bad, The Ugly but also For a Few Dollars More and A Fistfull of Dollars. Fun fact: the poncho he used in all three movies was never washed. :)

Yeah, TV shows can be addicting! That's why I pretty much stopped watching TV. I haven't followed a series in a few years now (other than anime, via Internet). It feels like an accomplishment. :)

Even Cars and Cars 2... and the new Brave movie. I like Cars so those especially were a lot of fun. There's a lot of... cars. Mhm. The second one is much flashier than the first, but as with most of these movies that turn into trilogies to sell the first is still a favorite. That one really had soul. Same thing with Ice Age. The first was special, but now that the characters are all introduced and embarking on new ventures it doesn't have the same element of surprise and innovation. Still great entertainment, though...

Speaking of anime, one of the IMDB Top 250 movies had an anime rendition made from it: Seven Samurai. I'm not sure if it was a movie or a series (12/24 episodes) but if you like that movie the anime version is definitely worth watching. Ah, so many great things to watch and so little time! I could keep spouting recommendations but it seems you have plenty of em already. If you get into martial arts movies I'm all ears on your impressions though, thanks for the bout of answers.

Eh, Westerns don't really sound very appealing to me. I guess I should give the series a try regardless.

I love TV. I was going to try to watch 365 movies but I gave up on that because I have a hard time watching movies while I'm into a TV show and I prefer watching TV shows. You should really get back into TV. Game of Thrones is a great show.

I've just heard a lot of bad things about Cars, which is why I haven't watched it yet. It's Pixar's lowest rated movie yet they made a sequel to it anyway.. and there hasn't been a sequel for the incredibles yet? (Cars did make like 10 billion dollars from merchandise though, so it's understandable)

Seven Samurai is another movie I've been meaning to watch, but I've never really liked watching 3 hour long movies. A Bug's Life is supposedly an adaption of Seven Samurai. I might check out Samurai 7.

Also, I've watched a few Martial arts movies. Not very many, but I actually prefer them over most action movies. I don't really enjoy watching action movies that are focused on guns. I love watching hand-to-hand combat or swords and knives. The Raid Redemption or Ip Man are probably my favorite action movies.

I didn't think I'd like Westerns either... until I started watching them. :)

Well that's the thing with TV, there's so much greatness to watch that I spent way too much time watching it. I started following a lot of series and staying up late to stay up to date. So I decided to just stop completely, and that freed up a big chunk of time. I love series but the fact that you have to follow them, that there's always a continuation, that's both a source of anticipation and aggravation. I like the finality in movies. Once they're done they're done. No time spent waiting, or wasting in that the developers keep spacing out content to have series last longer, no introductory filler/flashback, etcetc. It's an efficient form of entertainment that way.

Personally Cars is probably one of my favorite Pixar movies... apart from Up. Don't believe the hype! ;)

I didn't know that, interesting. Speaking of Seven Samurai adaptions there's also the Magnificent Seven series. It's a Western series though.. so maybe that's not your thing.

Oh, yeah! Great movies! I definitely prefer hand-to-hand combet over gunfights as well, and on second place movies that provide a seamless mixture of the two (like Hard Boiled or Black Mask). I'm not sure if it's just the fighting or if it's the realism that I appreciate. In difference to other genres, the actors are all masters of their sport, and there's usually lots of crazy stunts to top it off. Did you know Jackie Chan started out as a stunt-double, and since then kept doing his own stunts as an obligation to his fans? The main difference between his movies and many other martial art movies are that he and his crew actually land their hits while fighting , though they do use plenty of tricks to add intensity. Layering objects with flour, breaking things in advance and gluing them back together, using wires to pull the characters a little extra when they're hit, flip them around, etc. And watching people dangle from helicopters or jump over rooftops or balance on ledges, knowing that there's no safety net to catch them if they mess up, that really adds to the viewing experience IMO. Here's some other martial arts greatness you might've missed out on: Wheels on Meals (Jackie Chan, Samu Hung, Yuen Biao), Flashpoint (Donnie Yen, the guy from Ip Man), Legend of Drunken Master (Jackie Chan), Ong-Bak (Tony Jaa) and Fearless (Jet Li)...

I'll probably watch a few Westerns eventually. The Good, The bad, and the ugly is another movie I've been intending to watch, don't know when I'll actually get around to it though.

There's only a few shows I'm planning on watching eventually right now, so I don't actually watch TV all that much. Most of the shows I watch have about a year between seasons, so it's pretty easy for me to catch up and watch other stuff. Did you watch a lot of comedy shows?

I'll probably watch Cars and Cars 2, mostly because I don't like that they're the only two Pixar movies that I haven't seen.

I just find watching people shoot guns at each other really boring. Up close and-to-hand combat is much more exciting than watching people shoot guns at each other from a distance. I really should watch more martial arts movies, especially Bruce Lee/Jackie Chan. (I haven't actually seen any movies of either of them) I've also been meaning to watch more movies with Donnie Yen in it.. (I have so many movies I need to watch..)

Do you have an iCheckMovies account?

Apparently I used up the comment limit below. :) Guess there's a first time for everything! There's plenty more I'd like to say on the topic of martial arts, but just let me know if you ever dive into the genre. Most people may not know about Jackie Chan's older movies, but those are the real gems in his long list of filmography. Once he moved to Hollywood his style changed a bit in compromise with the new international audience, and now that he's growing old... he's actually started using safety nets! Sometimes. :/

Already typed up a response to this, but I guess my comment didn't go through the first time..

I'll probably start watching more martial arts movies soon, after I watch a few movies I really want to watch but haven't yet for some reason. (Mostly Amour) Probably going to start with a few Donnie Yen movies once I start watching martial arts movies more often.

Back when I used to watch series, yeah, there was plenty of comedy. Mostly action though. Seinfeld and Scrubs were probably my comedic favorites back then.

I actually just created an iCheckMovies account when you posted a link to it, here: <a href="http://www.icheckmovies.com/profiles/cyberdevil/">http://www.icheckmovies.com/profiles/cyberdevi l/</a> Not sure if I'll be using it actively but I guess I'll at least check back to check titles occasionally. There are still plenty of classics I've missing out on... though if they had a martial arts list I'd probably be able to check it off completely. :) I think I'll go see if there are any of those now btw...

I wonder if Bruce Lee would've been such a legend if he didn't die so suddenly. Sure he was good, but there are so many great martial artists now that don't get as much recognition. Watching his movies shouldn't take long though, if I remember right he only actually starred in 2, and they made a third from leftover material.

I don't watch many comedy shows at all, it's mostly drama. I watch Workaholics and Arrested Development but thats it for now.

I sent you a friend request on iCheckMovies. You already almost have more movies checked than me. You disliked Despicable me?

I don't think he'd be as well known, but I think he'd definitely still be pretty famous. The only movie I've seen that has anything to do with him (other than Ip Man) is some movie that came out in 1996 that was about him but some other guy played him

Ah, haven't heard of either of those, I'm probably falling behind on series. It's amazing how interesting shows they can make off even the most irrelevant topics though. I remember watching some series about truckers in Siberia, where they just showed footage of people driving around. Lots of snow, ice, chains... but nothing really happening, and it was one of the most exiting things I've watched!

No notification yet. Maybe there's a delay in that just like there is with the awards...

Yeah, I need to check some more. :) In recent years when I wasn't very active here at NG I was averaging 1-2 movies a day for a short while, it was a bit extreme. Here's my old list of watched movies if you're interested: <a href="http://cyberd.org/m">http://cyberd.org/m</a>

Could it be My Brother Bruce lee? That's one on my watch list.

You haven't heard of Arrested Development? It's a really well known show, and it started in 2003. I really think you should start watching TV shows again. Check out "Luther". It's only 12 episodes, only has one season left (6 episodes) and a movie and then it's over. Good show, not much to keep up on.

Yeah, at first it wasn't letting me send it. I didn't get it to work until a few minutes after I replied.

Wow, that list looks like it took a lot of work. I probably wouldn't keep track of the movies I've watched if iCheckMovies didn't make it so easy to do.

I believe this it it: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt01067 70/?ref_=fn_al_tt_3 (I was wrong about the year)
Have you seen it?

Oh, I realize I didn't reply to the Despicable Me question. I didn't feel much sympathy for the main character in that one, he just seemed like a... well, despicable person. :) I liked the little yellow robot/blob/people, but was a bit disappointed with the movie overall. There's a similar movie called Master Mind which I feel fell in the shadow of Despicable Me, even though it was much better in so many ways. Have you seen that one yet?

I hadn't ever heard of Master Mind until a few months ago, which is pretty weird considering how many really well known person are in it. I want to watch it but it isn't very high on my priority list right now.

Luther sounds watchable, might make an exception for that one...

It did take a while to keep updated, which is why I stopped updating it. :) Might get back to it eventually though, it does come in handy. It's probably not a very accurate number but judging by the list I've watched around 1200 movies so far. *shameless boasting*

I haven't, will add that to the list (of movies to see). Looks similar to Bruce Lee, My Brother, but maybe the only similarity is that it's also a partial documentary.

You should watch Game of Thrones too..
And Doctor Who, Misfits, Sherlock, and Torchwood.
If you want to watch a show you don't have to keep up with very much though, definitely watch Sherlock. 3 episodes per season, each is the length of a movie. The second season ended January 2012 and the third season is currently filming and won't air for a few months, so it should be pretty easy for you to keep up with.

I think my iCheckMovie's account has about 90% of the movies I've seen. There's several movies I haven't checked that I'm pretty sure I've seen but I'm not 100% sure, but there's only 10-20 of those at most.

Argh, no more! Don't tempt me! :D Well at least you're not recommending Days of our Lives...

I did watch a few episodes of Doctor Who and Torchwood. didn't get into them but first impressions were good. Catching up on Doctor Who would take way too long though, it's amazing how many year's that series has been in production. OK, Sherlock and Luther on the watch list.

Good luck catching up! ;)

I already mentioned it, so it isn't really anymore.. I think you should watch Misfits too. It's a really cool show, and the next season of it that airs is going to be the last.

Doctor Who doesn't have much to catch up on if you only watch the series that started in 2005. If you ever want to get into it (and I think you should) I suggest watching the episode "Blink". It's four seasons into the show, but it doesn't spoil anything and it's considered the best episode by a lot of people. And once you get into Doctor Who Torchwood is super easy to get into.

whats up jolly polly

nm buujack how bout you

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